
Gullickson (20)-1

Mike Gullickson’s debut novel, the cyberpunk bestseller “The Northern Star: The Beginning,” was hailed by Examiner in 2013 as one of “The Top 5 Indie Published Books You Haven’t Read But Should.” For its sequel, the Midwest Book Review stated “. . . it’s military sci-fi and futuristic cyber-reality at its best.” And in reviewing the final novel, The New Podler Review of Books stated that “the whole series is a science fiction masterpiece.”

Mike has been interviewed as a bionics expert on Lieberman Live! (SiriusXM Howard 101) and featured on Netheads (a Kevin Smith smodcast).

The Northern Star trilogy is currently being shopped by Solipsist Film (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, Metro 2033, Instinct) to be made into a major motion picture.

His new novel, “The Seethe,” is out now.

Mike Gullickson lives in Manhattan Beach, California with his wife and two children.

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