That’s right. I don’t know if The Northern Star: Civil War is as good as the first novel. I really don’t. “Can’t see the forest through the trees,” that kind of thing. Do I loathe that George Lucas messed with the original Star Wars? I do. Do I understand now, as the date approaches for the release of the 2nd novel? Totally.
When do you stop? When is the novel as close to what you envision as you can get? My friends/writers who helped shape the 2nd to final draft, were split: some thought it was better than the first novel, some thought it wasn’t quite as good, one said “it was different, they’re hard to compare.”
But they aren’t you, the reader, who owes me nothing and can critique with impunity and vet the work accordingly (I know it sorta rhymes).
So we shall see. The respite for me is there is nothing else I can add. When I read it, aside from wanting to tinker with descriptions that come down to “tomate-O” or “tomah-to” the story is what it is.
What do I like about it? Quite a bit. I like Raimey’s state of mind. I think where he’s at mentally, is where anyone would be. I like Mike Glass, and how he comes to grips with being a sociopath, and how he can’t fully change because, well, he’s a sociopath.
Sabot, Cynthia’s bodyguard, is one of my favorite characters. And the Twins are vicious soldiers to be reckoned with.
I think the violence is appropriate. The ‘have’ and ‘have nots’ of the world are represented accurately. And the perils of our technology addiction, as it tightens around this world like a noose around a neck, is a warning: how small do we want the world to be?
It’s certainly not a BAD novel….
September 25, 2014